NetNewsWire 5 for iPhone and iPad Help

Smart Feeds

NetNewsWire has Smart Feeds, collections of articles built from your subscriptions, based on certain criteria. NetNewsWire offers three of these for you: Today, All Unread, and Starred.


The Today Smart Feed will show you articles published in the past day. It’s not strictly “today”, but the past 24 hours or so.

This feed is a great for scanning. You can look through the article titles, images and previews to look for something you definitely want to read.

If you subscribe to news sites, you can quickly get caught up reading through the headlines.


The Unread Smart Feed shows you any article that’s unread.

You can use the Unread Smart Feed to quickly clear out all old unread articles. Tap Mark All as Read if you’re ever feeling stressed about “catching up” on your reading. You don’t have to read everything!


Any article you mark as Starred will appear in this list. Stars can mean anything you want, but you may want to use them for:

Tap to save an article to the starred list.

Custom Smart Feeds

In future releases we intend to add the ability to build your own with different criteria.