NetNewsWire 5 for Mac Help

Add a syncing account

NetNewsWire can sync your feeds and articles with third-party feed aggregating services like Feedbin and Feedly.

If you use a feed aggregator service, you can keep your read status and subscription list in sync even when you use multiple apps.

If you’re not using a feed aggregator, you can use the On My Mac account.

Add a syncing account

To add a syncing account to NetNewsWire:

  1. Choose NetNewsWirePreferences… (⌘,) from the menu bar, then click Accounts.
  2. Click the + button, then click the service.
  3. Enter your username and password, then click Add Account.

The account and its feeds will appear in the NetNewsWire sidebar.

Changing account information

Account name

The name of your sync account will be the name of the service by default. You can change this name, which is especially useful if you have multiple accounts on the same service. You can even use emoji. 🐝

Username or password

If you change any information for logging into the sync account – user name, email address, password – you may need to update the credentials stored in NetNewsWire.

  1. Choose NetNewsWirePreferences… (⌘,) from the menu bar, then click Accounts.
  2. Select your account, then click Credentials.
  3. Enter your information, then click Update.